
3D Model - Jagged Balance

 Front-Right Isometric

  Back-Left Isometric

 Back Ground Section Isometric

Left Section

Back Section

Stair 1 - Spiral Column

With all the curves of the columns supporting the yin-yang structure, I wanted to create a more sophisticated spiral staircase and one that essentially mirrored the yin-yang space.

 Right View


Front-Right Isometric

Short Section

Long Section

Stair 2 - Flat Rise

This simplistic yet sleek staircase is a mediator between the jagged curves of the underground space that erupt from the ground and the elegant and stylistic curves of the upper yin-yang space.

Back Left Isometric

 Back View

 Long Section

 Short Section

 Stair 1 - Spiral - Short Section
 Stair 1 - Spiral - Long Section
 Stair 2 - Jumbled Step - Long Section
 Stair 2 - Jumbled Step - Short Section


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